Landranger for Your Age

The Big Hillwalking Challenge is here!

Thinking about how to celebrate my 50th year, Sharon came up with the idea that I should climb all of the Munros, Corbetts and Grahams on the Ordnance Survey Landranger map sheet 50! Bonkers, but also exciting. Landranger 50 is the Glen Orchy area, which gives me some great mountains south of Glen Creran, the Black Mount, the Bridge of Orchy and Tyndrum hills, Ben Lui, and south to Crianlarich and towards the Arrochar Alps. Fanstastic!

I'm not 50 until May 2021, so I might even have a sneaky peek at Landranger 49, which gives me East Mull, Morvern and Kingairloch to tick off before then.

Why not grab the map for your age, and give it a go!

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